sense of time on time   


A design for time that challenges presuppositions regarding times perceived direction and (in)finite nature.

references & inspiration
The clock on the facade of the building housing the Bolivian congress in La Paz has been reversed. Its hands turn left and the numbers have been inverted to go from one to 12 anti-clockwise. Bolivian Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca dubbed it the "clock of the south". He said the change had been made to get Bolivians to treasure their heritage and show them that they could question established norms and think creatively. "We're in the south and, as we're trying to recover our identity, the Bolivian government is also recovering its sarawi, which means 'way' in Aymara" Choquehuanca said. "In keeping with our sarawi - or Nan, in Quechua - our clocks should turn to the left. Who said clocks always have to run the same way? Why do we always have to be obedient? Why can't we be creative?"
-, Bolivia congress clock altered to turn anti-clockwise, 25 June 2014
We hear much, said the Hegelian professor, reading from a notebook in his usual dry, hurried tone, of the influence of the sixteenth century upon the nineteenth. No philosopher, as far as I am aware, has studied the influence of the nineteenth century upon the sixteenth. If cause produces effect, does effect never induce cause? Does the law of heredity, unlike all other laws of this universe of mind and matter, operate in one direction only? Does the descendant owe everything to the ancestor, and the ancestor nothing to the descendant? Does destiny, which may seize upon our existence, and for its own purposes bear us far into the future, never carry us back into the past?
- The Clock That Went Backward, Edward Page Mitchell, 1881